Rock, Bridge, Tree Tag

A tag game to incorporate teamwork and thinking skills! Modify to use a range of locomotor skills. No equipment, good for large groups.

Set up

Designate a large playing area, where children can run and move freely. The educator nominates several taggers (depending on your group size). If a child is tagged, they become either a;

  • Rock: the child crouches, curling up into a ball
  • Bridge: the child balances on all fours, just on their hands and toes (like the downward dog yoga position)
  • or a Tree: the child stands on their tip toes with their arms up in a circle
How to play
Step 1:
  • Children run around the space, trying to avoid getting caught by the taggers
  • The first time a child is caught, they must turn into a rock (see Set Up)
    • To free a rock, another child must step or leap over the rock
Step 2:
  • If a child is tagged a second time, they turn into a bridge (see Set Up)
    • To free a bridge, another child must crawl under or over the bridge
Step 3:
  • If a child is tagged a third time, they turn into a tree
    • To free a tree, 3 children must form a circle around the tree, holding hands, and move around in a circle singing “Save the tree, save the tree, save the tree!”
  • Continue through this cycle (i.e a tree then becomes a rock if tagged a fourth time)
  • Continue playing for a designated time, and alternate taggers as necessary!
Make it easier
  • The educator is the only tagger
  • Allow the children to choose whether they become a rock, bridge or tree after being tagged
Make it harder
  • Children must stay within the bounded area, or become a rock/bridge/tree
  • Trees must balance on one leg
  • Add multiple taggers
Activity information
Age: Kindergarten, Pre-Primary, Year 1, Year 2, Year 3, Year 4, Year 5, Year 6
Participants: 5 +
Equipment: Cones (optional)
Duration: 10 minutes
Skill focus
Explore these skills for teaching tips
Skill teaching

Demonstrate the various poses children must balance in, and use the following general balancing cues as a guide;

  1. Head up
  2. Eyes forward looking at something ahead of them e.g. a tree
Activity summary
Physical literacy tips
  • Ask the children to create new objects to become, e.g., a waterfall (child runs on the spot, waving their arms around)
  • The educator calls out different locomotor skills for the children to move around the space