Treasure Keepers

Everything is aligned

A creative game designed to improve endurance and ability to change pace over longer distances. In this thrilling circular relay, children take on different imaginary roles and work together to transport the treasure. 

Set up

Create circular track/course that is split into four different zones. At the start line of the circular track, place a bucket containing a large collection of random items/equipment (cones, batons, beanbags, bibs, balls). This is called ‘The Vault’. At the finish line of the track, allocate each team one hoop (use different coloured hoops if possible to distinguish between teams), to collect their treasure in. This hoop is called 'The Keep'. 

How to play
Step 1:
  • Separate children into teams of four. 
  • Within each team of four there must be a RAIDER, COURIER, KNIGHT & TREASURE KEEPER. 
  • On "GO", the Raider must grab one item from the Vault, and run it to the Courier, who then takes it to the Knight, and then the Treasure Keeper delivers it to the Keep (same format as a 4 x 100m circular track relay). 
Step 2:
  • Once the treasure item is placed in the Keep, the raider can set off again to complete another circular relay style lap. 
  • This continues until the Vault is empty. 
  • The winning team is the one with the most items in their Keep at the end of the race. 
Step 3:

Change it up... 

  • Allow children to change roles/jobs (raider, courier, knight and treasure keeper). 
  • For the second race, explain that the king and queen now wants all of their treasure returned, and the team that wins is the first to empty its keep. The order is reversed.
  • Allow teams to decide how to split the course zones so that they are more efficient. (Runners who prefer longer distance running might have a longer section, while runners who prefer shorter distances might have a shorter section.)
Make it easier
  • Reduce the size of the circular track/course
  • Decrease the number of items in the Vault
  • Change the distance of each zone and allow each team member to choose their running distance
Make it harder
  • Increase the size of the circular track/course
  • Increase the number of items in the Vault
Activity information
Age: Year 1, Year 2, Year 3, Year 4, Year 5, Year 6
Participants: 10 +
Equipment: Beanbags, Hoops, Cones, Batons, Balls
Duration: 10 minutes
Skill focus
Explore these skills for teaching tips
Skill teaching

Encourage a smooth, relaxed, rhythmic running style: 

  1. HEAD: still and eyes up and looking ahead. 
  2. ARMS: bent and travel from 'hip to lip'. 
  3. REV YOUR ENGINE: high knee lift, running along an imaginary line. 
  4. LAND: on the ball of your foot. 
Physical literacy tips
  • Create an exciting story around the treasure items in the Vault. For example: "You and your team are working together to recover stolen jewels from the kingdom".