An engaging, creative tag game to get children moving. No equipment is needed. Waspital has quickly become a KIDDO favourite! We recommend watching the video to assist in quickly understanding how to deliver this fun activity.
Set up
Designate an appropriate playing space for your group size. Nominate a tree, wall, or piece of equipment outside of the playing space as the 'Waspital'.
How to play
Step 1:
- Nominate several children as wasps (taggers)
- The wasps have to run around with their hands in front of them, pointing their index fingers, like stingers on a wasp
Step 2:
- All other children run around with their hands up as 'band-aids' (see video for reference)
- When you are stung by a wasp you place a band-aid on your arm e.g., place the opposite hand on the upper arm.
- Continue running around with one band-aid on and the other hand up
Step 3:
- When a child has been stung twice and used both their band-aids, they need to go to Waspital
- In Waspital, the child can do 5-star jumps (or other nominated activity) to be healed and continue in the game with two new band-aids
Make it easier
- Introduce the Waspital later on in the activity - start with just wasps, band-aids and stings
- The educator is the only wasp
Make it harder
- Change the type of locomotion around the playing area; skipping, galloping, jumping
- Add more taggers (wasps)
Activity information
Age: Kindergarten, Pre-Primary, Year 1, Year 2, Year 3, Year 4, Year 5
Participants: 5
Equipment: Cones (optional)
Duration: 5 minutes
Skill focus
Explore these skills for teaching tips
Skill teaching
As a tag game, children must try to avoid the wasps. Try and practice dodging using the teaching cues below before you start the game;
- Bend, push & turn
- Look straight ahead
- Use only one step to change direction
Activity summary
Physical literacy tips
- Let the children choose what activity they have to do to get healed in the Waspital
- Join in alongside the children
- Give the taggers a half pool noodle to tag with
- Play up the story about healing your stings with band-aids and getting fixed in Waspital