Wicked Witch (Catch)

Modification of Simon Says with the educator casting spells as a witch. When the witch drops the wand, children must run to the safe zone (castle) to avoid being caught.

Set up

Start in a designated area with children spread out. Give each child a ball/beanbag. Nominate a castle area e.g., a tree, wall, or cubby house in your environment. Educator has a pole (wand) and a witches hat on their head (optional).

Note: Wicked Witch can be used for any skill focus by adjusting the activities you do. See Wicked Witch (Kick & Dribble) and Wicked Witch (Locomotor) activity plans for more ideas.

How to play
Step 1:
  • All children are in the designated area and the witch (educator) holds a pole as a wand. The witch holds the wand up in the air and calls out the spells - "The Wicked Witch casts a spell on you to..." (complete a challenge)
  • Ideas of 'spells' to cast, include;
    • Bounce ball the and catch
    • Throw in air and catch
    • Throw in air, clap and ,catch
    • Balance on a body part
    • Roll it and collect it
    • Throw to a partner
    • Move ball the around waist
    • Move ball the around head
    • Move around bouncing the ball
    • Figure 8's
Step 2:
  • After calling out several spells, the witch drops the wand, and the children race to the castle as the witch chases after them. They can drop their ball/beanbag or carry it with them
Step 3:
  • Once all the children are 'safe' in the castle, the witch becomes friendly again, and the children are free to return to the square. The witch continues with the commands
Make it easier
  • Start with commands everyone can do e.g., roll the ball to a partner, bounce and catch with two hands
  • Play in a small contained area
  • Use larger, soft balls, like a foam dodgeball
Make it harder
  • If children are caught by the witch they need to do 5 frog jumps
  • Move the castle further away
  • Use a smaller ball, like a tennis ball
Activity information
Age: Three year olds, Kindergarten, Pre-Primary, Year 1, Year 2, Year 3
Participants: 4 +
Equipment: Basketballs (optional), Cones, Witches Hats, Poles, Tennis balls, Beanbags (optional)
Duration: 10 minutes
Skill focus
Explore these skills for teaching tips
Skill teaching

Before playing, explore how to catch depending on where the ball is. Use these teaching cues as a guide;

  1. Eyes on the ball
  2. Soft fingers
  3. Butterfly hands: thumbs together and fingers pointing up for balls being caught above the waist
  4. Wriggly worms: fingers pointing down for balls being caught below the waist
  5. Move hands to the ball
Activity summary
Physical literacy tips
  • Let all children have a turn being the witch
  • Try changing it to 'Friendly Pixie' or 'Cheeky Fairy' if children are scared of the 'Wicked Witch'
  • Allow more hesitant children to become the witch's assistant