Professional Development for Primary Schools

We want to help build your knowledge and capacity as an educator. That's why completing the Certificate of Physical Literacy is a critical place to start.

It is developed by world-leading experts and practitioners and has been proven to increase teachers’ knowledge and confidence to deliver programs that encourage physical literacy development in children.

Perfect for PE teachers, early childhood teachers, school leaders, classroom teachers, sports coaches, and support staff.

You'll learn:

  1. About physical literacy and its importance throughout early childhood
  2. All about the fundamental movement skills
  3. How to teach fundamental movement skills
  4. How to assess fundamental movement skills
  5. How to deliver physical literacy development programs to children with low movement proficiency and address other barriers to engagement
  6. Practical strategies to maximise the motivation of children

It's an online course that you can complete at your own pace. You can simply save your progress and return to where you last left off. We expect it to take approximately 3-4 hours in total.

The Certificate of Physical Literacy is aligned with the Australian Professional Standards for Teachers. On completion, you receive a certificate outlining the course name, participant name, course length and completion date.  Certificates can be used as evidence of a teacher's ongoing and continuous professional development and learning accreditation.

A primary school membership provides all of your staff with access to this course. So, why not upskill the entire team?

Purchase a KIDDO membership
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