Basketball Skills

Basketball is an invasion sport that focuses on developing skills like dribbling, passing, shooting, attacking and defending. Dribbling and passing can be introduced in Year 1 and mastered by Year 4. Dribbling and passing skills should continue to develop in the upper years as they are transferred into game play situations and fast-paced activities. Basketball shooting can be introduced in the early years with a light ball and lower hoop, and refined in the upper years with more accuracy and range in shots.
- Pat the dog (push the ball down with your fingers)
- Ball in front and to the side
- Bounce at waist height
Chest Pass
- Stance: Feet shoulder-width apart, knees slightly bent.
- Ball position: Hold the ball in front, fingers spread in a "W."
- Step: Step forward with your dominant leg, transferring weight.
- Release: Push the ball from your chest.
- Follow through: Extend arms, palms outward, thumbs down.
Bounce Pass
- Hold: Two hands on the sides of the ball.
- Step & Push – Step forward and push the ball down.
- Bounce It – Aim for the floor about halfway to your teammate.
- Follow Through – Extend arms with thumbs pointing down.
Overheard Pass
- Hands Up: Hold the ball with both hands above your head.
- Step & Throw: Step forward and push the ball forward.
- Follow Through: Extend arms and flick wrists toward the target.
- Aim High: Use this pass to throw the ball over defenders hands.
Push Pass
- Hold the Ball: Hold the ball at your shoulder with your favourite hand behind the ball.
- Step & Push – Step forward with opposite foot to pushing arm and push the ball towards your target. Non-dominant hand guides the ball while your dominant hand pushes.
- Follow Through: Extend arms out and snap your wrist like you're pointing to the target.
- Hand Placement: One hand under the ball, the other on the side for control.
- Eyes on Target: Look at the hoop, not the ball.
- Bend & Push: Bend knees, push up, and extend arms.
- Follow Through: Flick your wrist like “reaching into a cookie jar.”
- Stay Balanced: Keep feet steady and body controlled.
- Use large, colourful medium weight balls for bouncing and dribbling skills.
- Use large, soft balls for passing and catching, then progress to medium weight basketballs.
- Practice bouncing on the spot, then walking bounces.
- Practice watching and controlling the ball before progressing to eyes forward and moving with the ball.
- Play games such as Aye Aye Captain and Wicked Witch with each student having a ball. Use commands such as... 5 bounces and then catch, sitting on the ground and bouncing, walking and bouncing, bounce around in a circle, follow a line bouncing.
- Play Traffic Lights to practice dribbling on the move.
Practice dribbling and passing in different situations:
- Set up obstacle courses to bounce around.
- Practice dribbling while looking ahead at a target.
- Speed up and try dribbling at a fast walk, then jog, then run – all whilst still in control of the ball.
- Try Wall Ball and Basketball Dribbling Relays.
- Add a competitive element to dribbling with King (Queen) of the Ring.
Introduce basketball footwork skills:
- Pivot: Keep one foot still and step with the other to change direction.
- Jump Stop: Land on both feet together, then pivot on either foot.
- Stride Stop: One foot lands first; that foot becomes the pivot.
- Defensive Slide: Bend knees, move side to side, and keep feet apart.
- Cutting: Move toward the ball, stop, and push off to get open for a pass.
Improve shooting accuracy and range with games like Bump (Basketball), Titantic, Cookie Jar and Four Team Continuous Golden Child.
Introduce more advanced shooting skills like the basketball Lay Up:
- Catch & Run: Catch the ball while running toward the basket.
- Pivot Foot: The first foot that touches the ground is your pivot foot.
- Jump: Use the second foot to jump toward the basket and aim for the hoop.
- Focus on the Target: Aim for the backboard or directly at the hoop when you shoot.
Introduce game strategies and tactics with Modified Games (Invasion) and Modified Basketball.
- Uses both hands: Dribbles with both the right and left hand to maintain control.
- Keeps the ball low: Dribbles the ball close to the floor for better control.
- Keeps head up: Looks around to spot teammates and open areas.
- Maintains balance: Keeps knees bent and body low while dribbling.
- Passes accurately: Aims the ball to a teammate's hands or chest.
- Uses the correct pass: Uses chest pass, bounce pass, or overhead pass depending on the situation.
- Follows through: Extends arms toward the target after passing.
- Steps into the pass: Steps forward with one foot to give more power and control.
- Focuses on the target: Keeps eyes on the hoop or backboard while shooting.
- Uses proper hand placement: Shoots with fingertips and wrist snap for accuracy.
- Keeps balance: Stands with feet shoulder-width apart for stability.
- Follows through: Extends arms fully with a relaxed wrist after releasing the ball.
- Dribbling too high and making it easier to steal, not alternating hands and letting the ball bounce too far away from the body.
- Not following through when passing, affecting the ball’s direction, or not stepping into the pass.
- Not following through when shooting, poor hand placement on the ball or rushing the shot without setting up properly.