Basketball Skills

basketball dribble

Basketball is an invasion sport that focuses on developing skills like dribbling, passing, shooting, attacking and defending. Dribbling and passing can be introduced in Year 1 and mastered by Year 4. Dribbling and passing skills should continue to develop in the upper years as they are transferred into game play situations and fast-paced activities. Basketball shooting can be introduced in the early years with a light ball and lower hoop, and refined in the upper years with more accuracy and range in shots. 

Teaching cues


  1. Pat the dog (push the ball down with your fingers)
  2. Ball in front and to the side
  3. Bounce at waist height


Chest Pass

  1. Stance: Feet shoulder-width apart, knees slightly bent.
  2. Ball position: Hold the ball in front, fingers spread in a "W."
  3. Step: Step forward with your dominant leg, transferring weight.
  4. Release: Push the ball from your chest.
  5. Follow through: Extend arms, palms outward, thumbs down.

Bounce Pass

  1. Hold: Two hands on the sides of the ball.
  2. Step & Push – Step forward and push the ball down.
  3. Bounce It – Aim for the floor about halfway to your teammate.
  4. Follow Through – Extend arms with thumbs pointing down.

Overheard Pass

  1. Hands Up: Hold the ball with both hands above your head.
  2. Step & Throw: Step forward and push the ball forward.
  3. Follow Through: Extend arms and flick wrists toward the target.
  4. Aim High: Use this pass to throw the ball over defenders hands.

Push Pass

  1. Hold the Ball: Hold the ball at your shoulder with your favourite hand behind the ball.
  2. Step & Push – Step forward with opposite foot to pushing arm and push the ball towards your target. Non-dominant hand guides the ball while your dominant hand pushes. 
  3. Follow Through: Extend arms out and snap your wrist like you're pointing to the target.


  1. Hand Placement: One hand under the ball, the other on the side for control.
  2. Eyes on Target: Look at the hoop, not the ball.
  3. Bend & Push: Bend knees, push up, and extend arms.
  4. Follow Through: Flick your wrist like “reaching into a cookie jar.”
  5. Stay Balanced: Keep feet steady and body controlled.
Teaching strategies

  • Use large, colourful medium weight balls for bouncing and dribbling skills.
  • Use large, soft balls for passing and catching, then progress to medium weight basketballs.
  • Practice bouncing on the spot, then walking bounces. 
  • Practice watching and controlling the ball before progressing to eyes forward and moving with the ball. 
  • Play games such as Aye Aye Captain and Wicked Witch with each student having a ball. Use commands such as... 5 bounces and then catch, sitting on the ground and bouncing, walking and bouncing, bounce around in a circle, follow a line bouncing
  • Play Traffic Lights to practice dribbling on the move. 

Practice dribbling and passing in different situations: 

  • Set up obstacle courses to bounce around. 
  • Practice dribbling while looking ahead at a target. 
  • Speed up and try dribbling at a fast walk, then jog, then run – all whilst still in control of the ball. 
  • Try Wall Ball and Basketball Dribbling Relays.
  • Add a competitive element to dribbling with King (Queen) of the Ring

Introduce basketball footwork skills: 

  • Pivot: Keep one foot still and step with the other to change direction.
  • Jump Stop: Land on both feet together, then pivot on either foot.
  • Stride Stop: One foot lands first; that foot becomes the pivot.
  • Defensive Slide: Bend knees, move side to side, and keep feet apart.
  • Cutting: Move toward the ball, stop, and push off to get open for a pass.

Improve shooting accuracy and range with games like Bump (Basketball), Titantic, Cookie Jar and Four Team Continuous Golden Child

Introduce more advanced shooting skills like the basketball Lay Up: 

  1. Catch & Run: Catch the ball while running toward the basket.
  2. Pivot Foot: The first foot that touches the ground is your pivot foot.
  3. Jump: Use the second foot to jump toward the basket and aim for the hoop.
  4. Focus on the Target: Aim for the backboard or directly at the hoop when you shoot.

Introduce game strategies and tactics with Modified Games (Invasion) and Modified Basketball

Skill criteria


  • Uses both hands: Dribbles with both the right and left hand to maintain control.
  • Keeps the ball low: Dribbles the ball close to the floor for better control.
  • Keeps head up: Looks around to spot teammates and open areas.
  • Maintains balance: Keeps knees bent and body low while dribbling.


  • Passes accurately: Aims the ball to a teammate's hands or chest.
  • Uses the correct pass: Uses chest pass, bounce pass, or overhead pass depending on the situation.
  • Follows through: Extends arms toward the target after passing.
  • Steps into the pass: Steps forward with one foot to give more power and control.


  • Focuses on the target: Keeps eyes on the hoop or backboard while shooting.
  • Uses proper hand placement: Shoots with fingertips and wrist snap for accuracy.
  • Keeps balance: Stands with feet shoulder-width apart for stability.
  • Follows through: Extends arms fully with a relaxed wrist after releasing the ball.
Common errors
  • Dribbling too high and making it easier to steal, not alternating hands and letting the ball bounce too far away from the body.
  • Not following through when passing, affecting the ball’s direction, or not stepping into the pass. 
  • Not following through when shooting, poor hand placement on the ball or rushing the shot without setting up properly. 

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