Children are ready to be introduced to the skill of dodging in Year 2 and should be fine tuning the skill by the end of Year 5. Some children may take a lot longer to experience to success with this skill as it is a more complex skill. The dodge is a more advanced skill from the sprint run and the gallop.
Teaching cues
- Bend, push & turn
- Look straight ahead
- Use only one step to change direction
Teaching strategies
- Avoid breaking the skill down, teach as a whole skill
- Set up markers in zig-zag formation and instruct children to touch markers with the outside of their foot (avoid going around markers this can lead to bad habits)
- Play games such as Compliment Tag and Builders and Bulldozers which involve changes of direction
- Have children experiment with different styles of dodging – wide base of support vs a narrow, body upright v body lowered
- Set-up obstacle courses that involve dodging between markers
- Play tag games where children have to dodge to avoid being tagged - Rock, Bridge, Tree Tag and Octopus Tag
- Increase the speed of the dodge
- Have a go at double dodges – dodge in one direction and then quickly dodge the other direction
- Play small sided games of netball and modified basketball and focus on incorporating the dodge within the game and activities such as Capture the Flag
Skill criteria
- Changes direction by bending knee and pushing off the outside foot
- Change of direction occurs in one step
- Body lowered during change of direction
- Eyes focused forward
- Dodge repeated equally well on both sides
Common errors
- Trying to do it too slowly with too many small steps
- Looking down at the ground
- Not enough knee bend
- The whole body turns to face the intended direction of travel
Skill usage