The jump for distance (broad jump) and jump for height (vertical jump) have been combined here as they have similar phases and components. Jumping should be introduced in Kindergarten/Pre-school and children will be expected to master the skill by the end of Year 3. It is a good skill to assess a child’s timing and rhythm as they need to coordinate their arms and legs to be able to jump effectively.
Teaching cues
- Start with your arms stretched behind you like a superhero
- Swing & Spring
- Reach for a star and bring it down again (for vertical jumps)
- Land like you are riding a motorbike – arms forward, ankles, knees and hips bent, feet apart
- Land as quiet as a mouse
Teaching strategies
- Start by teaching landing – jump off a small height or into a sandpit and practice landing like you are riding a motorbike
- Experiment with different types of jumping – into hoops, jump for a target, over small hurdles, into long jump pits, in jumping sacks
- Children can get very easily fatigued when performing continuous jumps so mix jumping up with running and other locomotor activities
- Play a fun jumping game such as Lilypads and Leapfrogs and Hula Hoop Car Trip
- Design a jumping Obstacle Course. Try jumping over rivers, onto rocks and up to trees, then let the children design their own course.
- Encourage children to keep their eyes focused forward while performing jumps
- Focus on the use of the arms in the jump, the ‘swing and spring’ to generate power
- Try jumping against a wall and marking with chalk how high you can jump
- Try setting up a range of jumping stations for children to explore all the different types of jumping e.g., jumping sacks, long jump, jump for height, skipping ropes, and hurdles to jump over
- Use chalk or markers to set up a range of Jumping Patterns for children to try
- Have fun playing Jump Jump and Where’s My Cheese using Jumping as the focus
- Try jumping for distance into a long jump pit. Focus on improving children's personal best distance.
- Introduce skipping ropes and try different types of jumping using the skipping ropes
- Utilise jumping into a sport setting – try jumping for rebounds in netball or basketball. Emphasise the use of the arms.
- Play jumping games such as Rock, Bridge,Tree tag and Hurdle Relay
Skill criteria
- Eyes focused forward (broad jump) or upward (vertical jump) during jump.
- Ankles, knees and hips bend
- Arms swing behind the body
- Forceful forward and upward swing of the arms
- Legs straighten in the air
- Ankles, knees and hips bend on landing
- Controlled landing with no more than one step in any direction
Common errors
- Arms and legs not in time
- Taking off on one foot
- Not using arms at all
- Looking at ground
- Not bending the ankles, knees and hips on landing
Skill usage