Children are ready to be introduced to the skip by the end of their Foundation year and should have mastered all aspects of the skip by the end of Year 3. Children should be able to hop, gallop and side-step first before learning skipping.
Teaching cues
- Step-hop, step-hop, step-hop
- Step forward and hop up
- Look ahead
Teaching strategies
- Should be taught as a rhythmical movement: step-hop-step-hop
- Start in slow motion doing steps and then hops and gradually trying to join them together
- Try encouraging step-hop movements to music or clapping
- Play games such as Musical Balances and Turtles, Snakes and Islands where children can have a go at Skipping
- Start skipping at a faster speed
- Encourage changes of direction and speed
- Play games that involve skipping and tag games such as Anything tag and Get the Beanbag
- Skip with partners
- Have a go at skipping relays
- Incorporate skipping into games such as Rats and Rabbits & Connect 4
Skill criteria
- Shows a rhythmical step-hop
- Lands on the ball of the foot
- Knee of support leg bends to prepare for hop
- Head and trunk stable, eyes focused forward
- Arms relaxed and swing in opposition to legs
Common errors
- Unable to perform step-hop alternately
- Arms not coordinated with legs
- Lack of rhythm
- Stiff legs on landing
Skill usage