Underarm Roll

The underarm roll should be introduced during early childhood (ages 3 - 6). The underarm roll starts as a simple push of the ball with both hands and gradually develops into a smooth, controlled action. By age 6+, children can accurately roll a ball towards a target. Underarm rolling is a foundational skill that can progress to more advanced skills like underarm throwing and pitching.
Teaching cues
- Face your target.
- Crouch: Bend your knees and lean forward slightly, keeping your back straight to maintain balance and control.
- Step, swing, roll & point.
- Step - step forward with opposite foot to rolling arm.
- Swing – straight arm, starts behind your body and swings forward (like a swing).
- Roll - release the ball close to the ground.
- Point - rolling arm follows through in a straight line.
Teaching strategies
Simplify the Skill
- Break down the skill into steps. Teach kids to bend their knees slightly, swing their arm back, and roll the ball smoothly toward the target.
- Focus on the arm movement first before worrying about accuracy.
- Demonstrate the correct technique by rolling the ball slowly and clearly, emphasising how to keep it low to the ground and roll it straight.
- Set up soft, large targets (like cones or buckets) to help children aim and understand where they want the ball to go.
- Use a slow ball - start with soft balls like foam or tennis balls to help children practice underarm rolling without worrying about speed or difficulty.
Fun Games
- Play games like Snakes Alive to introduce the skill.
- Explore how to roll the ball far and close, or faster and slower.
- Experiment with different sized balls.
- Use different targets like cones, hula hoops or marked areas on the ground.
- Encourage children to roll the ball and aim for specific targets, helping to improve both accuracy and distance control.
Distance Control
- Gradually increase the distance between the child and the target.
- Encourage them to adjust their strength and technique to roll the ball accurately over different lengths.
Fun Games
- Introduce accuracy games such as Crocodile Rally.
- Practice rolling the ball over different distances, adjusting strength and technique to match the required target area.
- Play games that involve strategy and teamwork like Corner Bowls or Bowls.
- Connect the underarm roll to more advanced skills like underarm throwing or softball pitching. Practice the transition from rolling to throwing.
Ask Questions:
- How can the speed or power of the roll affect the outcome of the game?
- Does a faster roll make it easier or harder to hit your target? Why?
Skill criteria
- Body Position: Stand with feet shoulder-width apart, knees slightly bent and body facing the target.
- Arm Movement: Swing the arm back and forward smoothly, with the elbow slightly bent, releasing the ball low to the ground.
- Ball Control: Release the ball with a smooth, underarm motion to roll it straight towards the target.
- Follow-Through: After releasing the ball, the arm should follow through, pointing towards the target.
- Balance: Maintain good balance throughout the motion, with a stable stance and smooth arm action.
- Accuracy: Aim to roll the ball in a straight line towards the target, adjusting power and direction for precision.
Common errors
- Stepping forward with the same foot as the rolling arm
- Not stepping at all
- No follow-through
- Releasing the ball too soon or too late
- Not releasing the ball close enough to the ground