When: Monday 13 May, 4.15 pm - 6.15 pm AWST
Where: The University of Western Australia
Cost: $35. Note - discounted tickets ($15) are available for KIDDO members.

Join our FMS experts at UWA for a practical, in-person workshop on teaching FMS to early years children that will:

  • Show you how to plan, deliver, and assess an FMS program that is fit for purpose, engaging, and fun for everyone.  

  • Guide you through activities and all the necessary information to ensure children learn and develop the foundational skills needed to progress their physical literacy journey.  

Ideal for:  

  • Kindergarten and Pre-Primary teachers, and Education Assistants  

  • Early Childhood Educators with Kindy Rooms and Room Leaders  

  • Anyone teaching Fundamental Movement Skills to early years children  

Secure your spot

Meet the presenters
Amanda Derbyshire and Allison King
Amanda Derbyshire
Amanda Derbyshire, KIDDO Program Director

As a sport and exercise scientist and researcher at UWA, Amanda has overseen the development, delivery and rollout of KIDDO from its inception in 2014 to where it is now. She is at the forefront of physical literacy implementation in Australia and has led the development of KIDDO's world-leading and proven professional development the 'Certificate of Physical Literacy'.

Amanda is renowned for her expertise in practical and effective methods that educators and coaches can use to help children develop gross motor skills and fundamental movement skills through teaching and the encouragement of active play.

Allison King, KIDDO Program Manager

Allison has a Bachelor of Science (Human Movement) and a Graduate Diploma of Education (Physical Education and Science) and brings over 10 years of teaching experience to the KIDDO team. She has taught in rural, government, private and catholic schools and has also supervised preservice teachers. Allison is particularly passionate about developing fundamental movement skills and upskilling teachers and educators to deliver quality programs in schools and early learning services.