Do I need to enter my credit card details to start a trial membership?
No! There’s no credit card required and there is no obligation to continue to a paid membership.
What can I access with a trial membership?
A trial membership gives you can access to everything that a paid membership has to offer except our professional development courses.
Please note that any data you enter in an assessment conducted during your free trial period does not generate real percentile ranks. You are only able to generate real percentile ranks once you purchase a membership.
Can I add other staff to my trial membership?
Yes, you will be able to add other educators to your trial membership. In fact, we only allow one membership account per organisation, so if you’d like other staff at your organisation to explore KIDDO too, you will need to add them.
I’m on a trial but ready to purchase a membership, what do I do?
If your trial hasn't expired yet:
- Log in to your KIDDO account
- Go into your "Profile" (click on the person icon)
- Go to "Billing", then
- Review/update the number of approved places at your service
- Review the payment amount due
- Click the "Add" button and enter your credit card details
- Click the "Save" button and you’re all done!
Your card will be charged on your trial end date and you will receive an email order confirmation and tax invoice.
If you need any assistance transitioning to a paid membership, please don't be afraid to contact us. We're here to help!
My trial has expired and I'd like to purchase a membership, what do I do?
- Go to
- Select Early Learning Service, enter your number of approved places and click get started.
- Then, sign in to your existing account
- Complete payment and you’re back in the game!
Your payment card will be charged and you will receive an email order confirmation and tax invoice.
If you need any assistance, please don't be afraid to contact us. We're here to help!